Thursday, December 6, 2012

Knowledge of AMST 100

I learned a lot in AMST 100 this year. To me the most important thing I learn was that the study of american culture is not only that of american culture, but also of the many subcultures that go into the american culture. I mostly did this through the outside cultural events. The three subcultures I dipped my toe into in my time at these events were the video game culture, the old English renaissance culture, and the theater culture, specifically in puppetry. I am glad that this class has given me an opportunity to learn about cultures outside my general interests.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

For The Motherland

There I was. Standing on stage in front of about five hundred people. My three friends and I stare up at the judges, hardly able to see their faces past the blaring lights, waiting to hear what they have to say. “They probably hated us,” I thought, “We didn’t take this seriously enough to impress them.” Then again that was the whole point of this band. To have fun. The four of us had all played instruments before, but never like this. Never in a “rock” band. We had to find a way to make it work, and the only way to do that without our ideas clashing was to never take it to seriously. Still, when your standing up in front of people who know what they’re talking about, like some sort of contestant on american idol, it’s hard not to wish you tried harder. 
The emcee comes out to start the process. “In Soviet Russia!” he yells, followed by, “well that was...different.” He the proceeds to ask the judges for a verdict. At last we will get to hear what they thought of us.  The first judge pauses a bit before telling us his opinion, just what I need. Finally he simply says, “I love these guys.” The crowd cheers and the four of us are ecstatic. We jump up and down and pump our fists with joy. The other three judges also had nothing negative to say. We ended up coming in second place in the competition of twelve bands. That alone was a honor, but more importantly we won the best performance award. This was better than any rating because it showed that by going up there and just having fun we could be successful and entertaining.

Word Count: 292

The point: Make sure that you have fun in life.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Something New

The space I choose to observe was the lobby in the new Humanities and Performing Arts building. The area is very open with a two floor high ceiling and larger windows and massive doors. There are tables with chairs around them and up against the windows are some more comfortable chairs with end tables. I found that UMBC students use the space and the time of day and what day of the week it is dictates how to space is used. During the week when there are classes students will sit at the tables and chairs with their laptops and books to do work between classes. On the weekends or after classes it is rather empty. I would recommend this space to someone looking to get work done between classes if they are passing by, I don’t think it’s worth going out of ones way to hang out.

(Word Count: 148)

Sunday, October 14, 2012

I Believe In Music

I believe music is the best stress reliever. However, not all music can be used to relieve stress. Some music is too loud or too fast or even too dissonance to help calm me and help me get done what I need to get done. There is however music that can be worlds of help to me. If I am ever stressed about the work I have to do, I simply take a break and listen to the calming sounds of The Airborne Toxic Event or the sweet harmonies of Of Monsters and Men. I listen to my music then go back to work, and I am able to complete my task. Music does not only cure stress related to work but also to that which is related to life. In a bad place, I can listen to one of two things. I can listen to compositions that relate to how I am feeling and to what is going on in my life or to uplifting songs that are completely unrelated, but still enjoyable to be heard. I believe music can not only cure my stress, but also yours. I challenge you to the next time you’re freaking out about an assignment or just life in general, to turn on your favorite band or favorite song, close your eyes, and just listen. Let this music fill you. It might be different music for you. You might like the loud, fast, dissonance songs, and that might calm you down, but to each his own. Whatever works. The fact is music is a powerful tool and one of the only art forms that has stayed relevant throughout time. So let it be the therapy needed to get through life.

I believe music is the best stress reliever.

(Word Count: 287)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Performing With Whiskey

My place is a bar in Annapolis called the Whiskey. You might think it's weird for someone under 21 who can't legally drink to be writing about a bar, but here's why. To me it's not just a bar, it's a venue. A venue where I can not only go to watch bands perform, but also one where I have been lucky enough to perform on multiple occasions. Their "Rock of All Ages" concert series has given not only my band, but other young, local bands a place to play. It would be horrible to see it go.

(Words: 97)

Thursday, September 27, 2012

My All-Stars

I don’t usually buy things because they are a certain brand. This doesn’t mean that I don’t tend to buy things made by the same company. If I had to say I had loyalty to one brand I would probably say it would be to Chuck Taylor All-Stars. I have four different pairs now and in a way each pair is for a different occasion. One pair I only wear to nice events, the other pair is a bit more flashy. The last two pairs are for everyday things and get destroyed from wearing them so much.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Skating through the Past

Whenever I look at some of my past styles I always laugh at myself. I used to be really into skateboarding, despite not being very good. I wore all the brand name clothing from beanie to shoes. I remember my family went to Cleveland one time and my Uncle who I hardly see was there. While there we found a skate park and I just had to go ride around some. I always thought he was pretty cool, but then he told me he wanted to skate. I let him and I thought he looked hilarious. Kind of ironic.

(Word Count: 99)